Bad News for Anyone Trying to Learn their Favorite Songs on Guitar…

Everything You’ve Been Told About How to Play Your Favorite Songs is Wrong…

And I’m Here to Put a Stop to It, Once and for All, and Show You How Real Guitar Players Learn to Play Songs

Dear Guitar Player:

Not too long ago, I asked myself a question:

Why do so many guitar players around the world struggle to play their favorite songs?

Anyone these days can look up tabs or watch YouTube videos to learn songs.

But when most people try to play those songs later on…

It can get ugly fast.

Even though they learned all the notes from the tabs or watched a video showing them how to play the song.

In fact, most people are lucky if what they play sounds anything like the real song.


Many times, the tabs and YouTube videos are completely wrong. And, even if they’re right, most people sound like they’re playing robotically with no feeling. 

The truth is that this approach barely scratches the surface of what people need to do to learn songs.

And the last thing any top guitar player would do is use those methods to learn something new…

Especially any of the big names in the guitar world, past or present.

There’s a completely different level of playing songs that goes way beyond what people get from tabs and YouTube videos.

Such as:

  • The feeling of nailing a song or solo so perfectly that it sounds just like your favorite guitar player on the recording.
  • Playing songs for your friends and family and leaving everyone’s jaws on the floor.
  • Creating your own interpretations of your favorite songs… and using them to tell your own story when you play.

Unfortunately, far too many guitarists never get close to this level today…

That’s because when they learn the typical way, the music doesn’t truly get under their fingers or into their muscle memory.

And they have to constantly think about the notes and chords they have to play next.

But when you look at a picture or watch any of your favorite guitar players on stage, they don’t do that.

They’re completely lost in the music when they play.

Sadly, too many guitar players stay stuck on the sidelines watching other people play with envy. 

They quietly wish they could be better, but they have no idea what else they could do.

And they start to think that they don’t have enough talent or that playing guitar isn’t for them.

With all the resources and technology available to help guitar players learn songs today, how is this possible?

More on this in a second.

My name is Eric Stone and I’m the author of 10X Guitar, 101 Ways to Transform Your Guitar Playing, and The Beginning Guitar Emergency Survival System.

For over a decade, I had a teaching studio in Colorado where I helped ordinary people become the guitar player they always dreamed they could be.

None of them wanted to become the world’s next guitar superstar…

They simply wanted to enjoy playing for themselves as a fulfilling hobby, be able to jam with friends and family, or even join a local band.

Here’s what a few of them have said about studying with me:

I have been playing guitar for 37 years and had many instructors over the years and Eric is by far the best I have worked with. He understands how people learn and knows how to challenge students just beginning or at an advanced level. I have recommended Eric to many of my friends!

Joe Holtz

Arvada, CO

Eric is truly gifted in helping others learn how to play the guitar. I would recommend anyone to take lessons from Eric. He truly has mastered the art of tailoring his instruction to adult learners with consistent positive feedback and attainable next steps.

Hillary Troutman

Arvada, CO

Eric is an excellent teacher and coach. He is patient and focused on providing appropriate steps to increase both skills and confidence on the guitar. As a retired school principal, I have evaluated hundreds of teachers, and Eric displays the talents needed to provide the best for his students.

Tom Elliott

Golden, CO

When I began teaching, my students complained that they were doing all the typical things that people did to learn guitar… scales and theory, boring exercises to memorize the fretboard, and how to read tabs to play songs.

But they were stuck in a rut and they weren’t getting better no matter how much they practiced.

I thought back to my early struggles as a guitar player…

I remembered how I was the guy who:

  • Played CAGED picking exercises for family members who asked me to play songs for them. That’s because I had no idea how to play simple songs.
  • Never got invited back to jam sessions because I couldn’t play basic chords in time or keep a steady beat.
  • Only ever practiced when I was alone, in my room, with my door closed… because I didn’t want my friends and family to hear how bad I was.

And I’d already been playing for a few years by that point!

In short, I was a complete mess on the guitar back then.

Before I opened my teaching studio in Colorado, I attended the world-renowned Los Angeles College of Music (LACM). I got to personally study with some of the top touring artists, Hollywood session players, and music educators in the world.

At LACM, I learned all about advanced theory, the latest and greatest ways to master the fretboard, and the best exercises to increase my speed and dexterity.

But my real education didn’t come from the classroom.

That’s because the true secrets of becoming a great guitar player… the things that actually transformed my playing… weren’t part of the official curriculum.

These secrets were shared in informal off-the-cuff conversations outside the classroom.

For example:

  • The Hollywood session legend who revealed how he mastered the fretboard without practicing scales and exercises… he then told me the counterintuitive approach he used instead to master the fretboard, explode his creativity, and skyrocket to the top of the guitar world.
  • The A-list touring artist who said I should never look at tabs again to learn songs…  he then disclosed how the early jazz guitar pioneers learned songs with nothing but a record player, and how I could do the same with today’s technology to learn songs faster and easier than ever before.
  • The top LA studio musician who was about to teach me some advanced theory and said, “I don’t know why I have to teach this to you. Nobody uses this crap.” He then shared the “unorthodox” method he used to become an in-demand studio musician for decades.

These little-known concepts are what skyrocketed my guitar playing.

But I wanted to take it even further in my teaching studio…

So I studied the stories of how many guitar legends learned to play… from the biggest names in history to the pioneers and innovators who have been forgotten to time.

I read dozens of autobiographies, poured over countless interviews, and watched grainy old videos online…

I went deep into their journeys and stories as guitar players.

And I kept meticulous track of everything that worked for them… and everything that didn’t.

I also looked at the latest cutting edge research into effective adult learning.

And I decided to have my teaching based around these counterintuitive concepts.

How did it go?

Well, the results speak for themselves…

Here’s Joe, for example. You read his testimonial earlier. 

Joe was in a terrible rut for years… He played the same boring licks and songs over and over again and wasn’t making any progress.

Now Joe plays at church and performs in blues and jazz bands all over Colorado.

How about Tom C.

It was Tom’s dream to play Van Halen’s songs and solos note-for-note and sound just like his favorite guitar hero. 

Before Tom met me, he couldn’t even play a single Van Halen riff in time…


Then there’s Ryan D. and Mike F.

Ryan and Mike always wanted to jam with other guitar players and play live on stage. But they had never played with anyone else before, and they had no idea how to get started.

Ryan and Mike both went from being bedroom guitar players to performing live on stage in just 5 months.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

After the incredible success I had in my studio, I realized it wasn’t fair to only teach these life changing methods to people who happened to live nearby. 

And not everyone has the time and resources to go to LA, study with world-class musicians, and simplify their best ideas in order to learn songs faster and easier than ever before.

I hate knowing that good people around the world work hard without getting any results.

I’m sick of seeing it.

So I put everything together and created my brand new coaching program called the Song Summit.

So you can finally play your favorite songs faster and easier than you ever imagined.

And get my personal help along the way.

When the dust settled after I finished creating the Song Summit, I asked myself…

Is this the world’s fastest and most effective way to play songs on the guitar?

All you need to do is follow along with the modules inside the Song Summit and you’ll soon be able to play your favorite songs with ease.

All it takes is as little as 15 minutes per day.

And the Song Summit is not one of those lame programs that promises you’ll master the fretboard in the next 9 minutes. But if you follow the material in the modules each week, that’s all it takes.

I make playing your favorite songs as simple and easy as it can possibly be.

There are two learning tracks inside the Song Summit. 

The Song Summit is not for complete beginners who are just starting out. However, as long as you have some basic experience, I’ll tell you exactly what you need to do… even if you’re still at the beginning level.

And if you’re further along as an intermediate player, there’s more advanced material just for you.

No matter what level you’re at, I’ve got you covered.

Since you’ll be a charter member in the Song Summit, you’ll also have exclusive input on what I teach.

After you enroll, I'm going to send you a link to a questionnaire.

I’ll ask about your previous experience, where you are now, and about your goals as a guitar player.

I’ll also ask about what you’ve tried before to learn songs…

As well as what’s worked and what hasn’t, your successes and frustrations, and so on.

And I’ll incorporate the answers to your specific questions throughout the Song Summit.

The Song Summit is a 5-week coaching program. 

Here’s what’s inside:

Stage A: The Foundation

In the first stage of the Song Summit, you’ll be getting the foundation you need to play your favorite songs.

Step 1: The Immersion Method

In this step, you’ll learn the secrets of my proprietary system called The Immersion Method. This is the ultimate shortcut to mastering your favorite songs.

You’ll also discover:

  • What to do if you can’t play a single song without looking up the tabs or watching a YouTube video.
  • You need to master the fretboard to play songs, right? Wrong! Discover why all the popular fretboard exercises make it practically impossible to play your favorite songs.
  • The underground “brain memorization technique” that will help you to learn songs FASTER without placing a single finger on the fretboard.

Step 2: Simplified Practice System

Here’s where you’ll discover how to simplify your practice routine so you can transform the results you get and have more fun when you play.


  • Tired of practicing for hours and hours and not improving? This revolutionary practice system will blast your playing to new heights in as little as 15 minutes per day.
  • The #1 WORST mistake you can make when practicing scales and exercises… even if you’re doing everything “right,” you’ll never be able to play your favorite songs if you do this.
  • The top secret method a Hollywood guitar legend used to completely eliminate mistakes when he practiced.

Step 3: Song Activation Blueprint

This step will help you start to play your favorite songs. Thanks to the power of muscle memory, the guitar parts will automatically get under your fingers.


  • The critical first three steps you need to take when you start to learn new songs… all three of the steps are easy to do but, if you miss even one, you’ll find it harder than ever to master your favorite songs.
  • How to use the little-known “Song Roadmap GPS System” (personally taught to me by a legendary jazz drummer) to learn new songs faster than ever before.
  • Why Slash from Guns N’ Roses unceremoniously fired his first guitar teacher… plus the “backwards” approach he used instead to learn songs and become one of the greatest rock guitar players of all time.

Stage B: The Complete System

In Stage B of the Song Summit, you’ll get the exact system you need to finally master your favorite songs.

Step 4: Old School Meets New School

Here, you’ll discover the old school “rapid song learning” methods that were perfected by the early guitar legends. I’ve updated these methods for today, and this is when your playing will start to soar.

And that’s not all:

  • How to go from playing robotically with no feeling to sounding like your favorite players when you play.
  • The shocking reason why my music theory teacher told me to forget everything I knew about music theory so I could finally start to play like my guitar heroes.
  • Say goodbye to needing tabs to play your favorite songs. This old school technique (that the earliest guitar legends did by instinct) will help you learn songs easier than you ever thought possible.

Step 5: Systematic Song Mastery

In this step, we’ll put all the pieces of the song together in a systematic and easy-to-follow way.


  • What to do if you can’t quite play a certain guitar part no matter how hard you practice. This counterintuitive advice will make sure you never get stuck again with a bunch of “almost learned” guitar parts and songs.
  • When it’s okay to ignore what your favorite guitarists did when you play their songs.
  • Why you should NEVER try to play songs all the way through… unless you’ve already mastered this one song element that’s almost always overlooked by frustrated guitar players.

Step 6: Reaching the Song Summit

Here’s where you’ll be taking the final steps to the Song Summit. You’ll go from incomplete songs to complete songs as you truly master the songs you’ve been playing.

And there’s more:

  • The absolute fastest way to go from a bunch of random riffs and song sections to playing your favorite songs all the way through with ease.
  • What to do if you want to play your favorite songs by yourself. My top three easy tips for creating unforgettable solo guitar arrangements.
  • How to nail the guitar parts when you play along with backing tracks of your favorite songs… and then use this momentum to finally play with other guitar players or even a band.

We’re going to cover these two stages in 5 weeks.

After 5 weeks, you’ll have at least one complete song that you’ve truly mastered. You’ll have fun playing it by yourself, and you’ll even be able to play the song for other people. 

Plus, you won’t sound like you’re robotically playing tabs or imitating YouTube videos by rote.

Best of all, the system you’ll learn in the Song Summit is the last system you’ll ever need when you want to learn a new song. 

In the future, you’ll never get confused, overwhelmed, or frustrated when you want to play something new.

That’s because all you’ll do is follow the two stages and six steps of the Song Summit:

Stage A:  The Foundation

  • Step 1:  The Immersion Method
  • Step 2:  Simplified Practice System
  • Step 3:  Song Activation Blueprint

Stage B:  The Complete System

  • Step 4:  Old School Meets New School
  • Step 5:  Systematic Song Mastery
  • Step 6:  Reaching the Song Summit

That's the power of the Song Summit.

But it doesn’t stop there.

That’s because you’re not just going to be getting the 5-week Song Summit training…

After the first 5 weeks, you’ll finally have at least one favorite song mastered. 

You’ll also have the exact system in place you need to master any song you want to learn in the future.

But I want to make the Song Summit a no-brainer for you and give you the ultimate guitar playing transformation.

So I’ve added a third bonus stage to the Song Summit that will completely blow you away.

While playing your favorite songs note-for-note is awesome.

That’s just the beginning of what you’re getting with the Song Summit...

What if you could go from merely covering songs to creating your own stories and interpretations?

Think about two of the most legendary guitar performances in history…

Jimi Hendrix playing “The Star Spangled Banner” and Prince playing “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.”

Those are songs that everyone’s heard countless times. But Hendrix and Prince created their own interpretations with their own unique twists.

Obviously I can’t say that the Song Summit will turn you into the next Hendrix or Prince… 

But I can teach you the same concepts they used so you can make your favorite songs your own and start to tell your stories when you play.

And you’ll get better and better as time goes on.

Imagine that you:

Not only will you be able to play real music like your guitar heroes, you’ll be able to do it BETTER. 

With your own story.

B.B. King once said, “The fact is that the blues contains all of the basic feelings of human beings… Complicated feelings told in simple stories. That’s the genius of the blues.”

And it was once said that legendary jazz trumpeter Louis Armstrong “built his solos like a book… first an introduction, then chapters, each one coming out of the one before and building to a climax.” 

That’s what the bonus stage is all about.

Here’s exactly what you’re getting.

Stage C: Discovering Your Own Creative Voice

This stage is all about developing your creative side as a guitar player.

Step 7: The Secret Weapon

You’ll take the songs you’ve learned and start to explode them to life. You’ll do this by tapping into your creativity and the human side of playing guitar.

Plus there’s more:

  • The creativity killing mistakes that 99% of all guitar players unknowingly make… and how to quickly learn the “inside secrets” of the pros in the top 1%.
  • The fastest way to unlock the human side of guitar playing and activate your creative side.
  • Why you should completely ignore B.B. King’s guitar solos in order to become a creative guitar player.

Step 8: Telling Your Story

This step will help you go from merely covering songs to becoming a storyteller who interprets their favorite songs.

But that’s not all:

  • Why adding the power of storytelling to your guitar playing is more important than learning any new scale or mode.
  • The truth about how to create your own interpretations of your favorite songs.
  • The tiny mental switch you can make today to instantly tell powerful stories on the guitar.

Step 9: Unleashing Your Creativity

This step will give you the keys to unleashing your creativity on the guitar. You’ll also discover how to connect with any audience so you can get a standing ovation when you play.


  • The secret “applied imagination” principles Thelonius Monk used to become perhaps the most creative jazz piano player in history. Apply these simple principles to your guitar playing and watch your creativity soar.
  • The right way to use themes, motifs, and hooks in your playing so you can connect with any audience on a deep emotional level.
  • How to explode your creative side and take the audience on an unforgettable journey with your guitar playing.

And this is just one of several bonuses.

I’ll tell you more in a second, but first, you’re probably wondering…

How much is the Song Summit?

My tuition at LACM was $25,875 for the year.

So I could conservatively say that the Song Summit is worth $9,997.

And that the Discovering Your Own Creative Voice bonus stage is easily worth $4,997.

Think about the time I also invested at LACM to learn how to become a real guitar player and musician.

Think about the thousands and thousands of lessons I taught. 

Think about all the books, interviews, and magazines I read and all the research I did.

And then I simplified everything so you can get life changing results in just 8 weeks.

But you’re not going to pay anything close to $14,994 today.

And that’s not all you’re getting…

Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails

You’ll also get exclusive bonus access to me for two Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails.

You’ll be able to email me two separate times with a short video of you playing and any questions you have.

I’ll respond with either video, audio, or written feedback (depending on what’s best for you). I’ll tell you exactly what you need to do, how to do it, and give you the quickest possible step-by-step plan to get there.

No fluff and no nonsense.

You can use the two Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails at any time during our 8 weeks together. Or anytime in the future. There is no expiration date.

Just send an email to the secret email address you’ll get after you enroll, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

If I were to offer this as a service by itself, it would cost $497.

But you’re getting it as a free bonus when you join the Song Summit.

And there’s more…

Open Counseling Sessions

There will also be 8 bonus weeks of live online group Open Counseling Sessions. One for each week of the Song Summit plus the bonus stage.

I’ll answer any questions you have about the Song Summit or anything else related to the guitar.

This will be a small, personalized group. You’ll get ongoing attention and support from me and the rest of the group members.

And you’ll also learn a lot by watching and interacting with everyone else in the group.

Some of the best lessons I learned as a student came from observing and watching my peers, listening to the questions they asked, and hearing the feedback they got.

Think of it like playing in a band. Everyone plays together and then everyone comments on each other’s playing in order to make the whole band sound better.

The Open Counseling Sessions are similar to that. That’s why group feedback and interaction from other learners is so important.

And if you can’t make it one week, no problem… just send me an email with a video or your questions and I’ll answer it live in the session.

All of the Open Counseling Sessions will be recorded and uploaded to the members’ area so you’ll have lifetime access to them.

8 weeks of group training sessions like this live in my studio cost $1,997.

But that’s not all…

Private Coaching Sessions

I’ve saved the best bonus for last… and I don’t know if I’ll ever offer this again in the future.

Simply because it’s so over-the-top, and it has to be extremely limited both in time and quantity for obvious reasons.

That’s because when you register for the Song Summit, you’ll also get exclusive access to four 30 minute one-on-one coaching sessions with me.

Here’s how this works.

These aren’t like private lessons where we’ll meet weekly at a certain time such as the next four Tuesdays at 7 pm.

Whenever you want to set up a Private Coaching Session, all you have to do is reach out to me at my secret email address to get on my schedule.

The Private Coaching Sessions are only for the elite of the elite… the guitar players who want to make maximum progress in minimum time.

Imagine never being stuck, confused, or having your questions go unanswered.

Just like the Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails, the Private Coaching Sessions have no expiration date. You can use them at any time during our 8 weeks together or at any time in the future.

I don’t teach privately anymore, but if I were to offer Private Coaching Sessions in the future, the investment would be $2,997.

I’ve also added a new tiered system so you can get the level of access that’s best for you.

We’ve been talking about the Song Summit Elite level which includes:

  • Song Summit 5-week core program, a $9,997 value equivalent to a year’s worth of training in a top music school.
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program, a $4,997 value equivalent to exclusive high level master classes in my studio.
  • Private Coaching Sessions, a $2,997 value equivalent to one-on-one coaching in my studio.
  • Open Counseling Sessions, a $1,997 value equivalent to group coaching in my studio.
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails, a $497 value equivalent to email correspondence lessons for people who can’t come to my studio in person.

This comes out to a $20,485 value.

And today, as part of the launch of the Song Summit, you can save over 85%. 

The Song Summit Elite level is just one payment of $2,997 for you to finally become a killer guitar player. 

You could easily pay more than $2,997 for a year of lessons at your local guitar superstore without learning how to play a single song.

And with the Song Summit, all the training and education you get is yours to keep forever and revisit whenever you need to.

You’ll finally be able to nail your favorite songs, explode your creativity, and blow away any audience you play for… even your friends and family.

Depending on what you need, you could also choose the Song Summit Accelerated level. 

This package includes everything in the Song Summit Elite package except for the Private Coaching Sessions.

Or you can enroll at the Song Summit Essentials level. 

The Essentials package does not include the Private Coaching Sessions or the Open Counseling Sessions.

Choose your package below and click the button now to enroll in the Song Summit.

Song Summit  Elite


  • Song Summit 5-Week Core Program
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails
  • Open Counseling Sessions
  • Private Coaching Sessions
Song Summit Accelerated


  • Song Summit 5-Week Core Program
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails
  • Open Counseling Sessions
  • Private Coaching Sessions
Song Summit Essentials


  • Song Summit 5-Week Core Program
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails
  • Open Counseling Sessions
  • Private Coaching Sessions

Let me tell you who the Song Summit is not for…

This is not for you if you believe you can succeed without doing any work. While I’ll be giving you the clearest and most effective system there is for learning songs, it’s up to you to follow it.

This is not for you if you’re too busy to consistently practice on most days. All you need to get transformational results with the Song Summit is as little as 15 minutes a day. Obviously, you’ll go further if you dedicate more time, but 15 minutes most days is all you need.

And this is not for you if you’re impatient and not willing to overcome any obstacles that come up along the way. The Song Summit is not one of those lame programs that promises you can master the fretboard in the next 9 minutes.

If you put the time in consistently and follow the path that’s laid out for you, you will get incredible results with the Song Summit. 

I can promise you that.

And this is the best deal I’ll ever offer for the Song Summit.

I don’t know exactly how this program will evolve in the future.

But I guarantee that you will never be able to get the same amount of access to me along with the same low price ever again.

And there won’t be a better deal coming later on.

Also, space is extremely limited for the Accelerated and Elite levels to make sure that everyone gets the personal attention they need.

So don’t delay signing up.

This is your chance to get unstuck and finally play your favorite songs. You’ll never find a clearer and easier path to follow.

It’s time to challenge yourself and get where you want to go as a guitar player.

You can even silence all the naysayers who said you’d never be able to do it.

Choose your package below and click the button now to enroll in the Song Summit.

Song Summit  Elite


  • Song Summit 5-Week Core Program
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails
  • Open Counseling Sessions
  • Private Coaching Sessions
Song Summit Accelerated


  • Song Summit 5-Week Core Program
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails
  • Open Counseling Sessions
  • Private Coaching Sessions
Song Summit Essentials


  • Song Summit 5-Week Core Program
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails
  • Open Counseling Sessions
  • Private Coaching Sessions

Eric is a phenomenal teacher - patient, understanding, and dedicated to his students’ improvement. I have been playing guitar for almost three decades. Even with that experience, Eric’s advice and mentorship have been invaluable to the development of my playing.

Cliff Marian

Denver, CO

Eric is certainly an excellent guitar player, but more importantly, he is an excellent teacher. There was no ‘one size fits all’ in his approach.  His education and training as a teacher makes all the difference.

David Cooke

Arvada, CO

Eric is a fantastic guitar instructor - thoughtful in his approach based on your needs and interests, patient, kind and enjoyable to work with. He is really interested in where you want to go musically, and then has amazing suggestions and ideas of how to get you there.

Tom Fischaber

Boulder, CO

If you’ve struggled trying to play songs on your own, it makes sense to sign up for the Song Summit now.

Plus this is the best deal you’ll ever get on the Song Summit.

You’ll never be able get these discounts and get the same level of access to me ever again. Not in this amount and not at this price.

Choose your package below and click the button now to enroll in the Song Summit.

Song Summit  Elite


  • Song Summit 5-Week Core Program
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails
  • Open Counseling Sessions
  • Private Coaching Sessions
Song Summit Accelerated


  • Song Summit 5-Week Core Program
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails
  • Open Counseling Sessions
  • Private Coaching Sessions
Song Summit Essentials


  • Song Summit 5-Week Core Program
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails
  • Open Counseling Sessions
  • Private Coaching Sessions


Eric Stone

P.S. I remember what it was like to struggle as a guitar player.

To spend years taking lessons, buying everything under the sun, trying anything I could think of… but not getting where I wanted to be.

And if you don’t do anything about this now, what are the odds that you’ll be able to play your favorite songs in the next 8 weeks? And that you won’t sound like you’re parroting tabs or playing with no soul?

Let’s be honest, not very good…

Otherwise, you would have done it already.

I can’t turn you into Eric Clapton overnight…

But I will give you the closely guarded secrets that the top pros only discuss in private backroom conversations.

And these secrets will help you finally nail your favorite songs, leave everyone’s jaws on the floor at the next jam session, and blow away your friends and family.

The next 8 weeks will go by no matter what.

At the end of 8 weeks, don’t continue to be stuck, unconfident, and unsuccessful on the guitar.

The way I see it, you have three choices.

You could do nothing.

Stay exactly where you are. In the same place. With the same guitar playing frustrations. And the same unfulfilled dreams as a guitar player.

You could ignore everything I said, and try something else. Try some guitar hack, gimmick, trick… and pray that it works. It probably won’t, but you can try.

Or, you could do what seems to be the smartest decision here…

Sign up for the Song Summit now.

Choose your package below and click the button now to enroll in the Song Summit.

Song Summit  Elite


  • Song Summit 5-Week Core Program
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails
  • Open Counseling Sessions
  • Private Coaching Sessions
Song Summit Accelerated


  • Song Summit 5-Week Core Program
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails
  • Open Counseling Sessions
  • Private Coaching Sessions
Song Summit Essentials


  • Song Summit 5-Week Core Program
  • Discovering Your Own Creative Voice 3-week bonus program
  • Personalized Guitar Path Coaching Emails
  • Open Counseling Sessions
  • Private Coaching Sessions

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Eric Stone Enterprises, LLC
1153 Bergen Pkwy Ste I-202
Evergreen, CO 80439
